I took this picture when I was running a programme at a campsite in Singapore. First, I like the greenery, second, I thought the pink smiley face was cute. I wasn't feeling too good that day, and that face helped to cheer me up a bit. Sometimes it takes only a smile to get another person through a bad patch... Okay, I am in one of my "philosophical" mood.
Why do I call this blog "the unbelievable"? Because I am writing in English. Attempting to write in English. I do apologize for the many grammar mistakes that glare at you.
Why am I doing this? Perhaps to be more in tune with the new generation. I am a technophile in many ways, technology excites me. However, the rate at which it is moving forward sometimes scares me too. I am still thinking what I should put down on my blog. Two things motivated me to do this: the Master in Education course unit I am doing, and an ex-student of mine. Maybe I should find an outlet to reflect on my own learning journey.
For a start, I am getting used to the idea of learning as a student again. Academic practice seems so far off, until 2 days ago. I find that I am enjoying it. Yes, I like studying, I enjoy learning. It excites me, as much as technology. Sometimes I wonder why I did not do well in school when I was younger. I guess it's not too fair to blame the teachers entirely, but in today's context, teachers play an important role in helping kids see the relevance in their learning. I am an educator myself, and I never knew the impact we can have on the kids that we meet in class everyday till recently, when I met up with an ex-student of mine, that I taught some 13 years back. I read her blog; her little reflection on her meeting up with me. I am deeply touched, and I finally understood the impact we can have on an individual's life, and how after many years, it still lingers on.
Providing a link here to her blog http://monkeycrab.blogspot.com/2009/02/teacher-and-student.html . She scribbled her little story on Feb 10 09, "teacher and student". I hope you don't mind Jac, do allow your ex-teacher here an opportunity to flaunt her successes, lol. For now, I shall end here. And I am happy now because my 6-year old daughter just gave me a hug and said, "I love you, mummy." Small successes.
welcome to the blogging world ms lim! a bit embarrassed to read about me here. :)
ReplyDeleteyou wrote: "Maybe I should find an outlet to reflect on my own learning journey."
i started blogging in 2005 and now when i read my old entries, i see how i have changed and grown. a blog can be such a good source of reference for reflection in the later years of your life. i have also discovered that my blog has slowly become a source of inspiration and encouragement for some people. no matter how small the audience is, i am proud to have made some kind of positive impact on others.
i look forward to reading more of your entries!